website(8,) How to Properly Plan for Freestanding Appliances in Your Kitchen | Better Appliances

How to Properly Plan for Freestanding Appliances in Your Kitchen

A comprehensive guide on how to seamlessly place freestanding appliances into your kitchen design, ensuring aesthetics and functionality.

Freestanding range cooker installed with End Panels on either side.

Considering Freestanding Appliances: A Wise Choice

Many homeowners today opt for freestanding appliances due to the ease and simplicity they offer. Their installation is straightforward, and they provide the added advantage of easy replacement should anything go wrong.

Yet, as wonderful as they are, freestanding appliances might, at times, disrupt the overall aesthetics of your kitchen. Hence, proper planning becomes vital to place them in the design while maintaining a cohesive look.

Planning The Appliances: The Two Leading Methods

1. End Panel Method

Often considered the superior method for accommodating freestanding appliances, the End Panel approach achieves a visually striking finish without compromising your kitchen's design. Here's a brief breakdown:

  • Visual Appeal: The continuity offered by plinths creates a free-flowing appearance.

  • Installation Process: Cut the plinths of cabinets on either side of your appliance. Place them up against the end panels.

  • Spacing: Leave a 10mm gap on either side of the appliance. This ensures easy installation and removal when necessary.

Illustration of end panels either side of the appliance.

2. No-End Panel Method

Ideal for kitchens with limited space or those operating on a tighter budget, the No-End Panel method is cost-effective while still offering a polished look. Here's what to remember:

  • Cost-Effective: There's no need for end panels, keeping costs down.

  • Installation Process: Return the plinth back to the wall. Ensure it aligns with the cabinet's side.

  • Spacing: As with the End Panel method, maintain a 10mm gap on both sides of the appliance.

Critical Considerations

Before you start placing freestanding appliances, always consider your kitchen's plumbing location. For instance, plumbing directly behind an appliance might hinder its proper placement.

This could prevent the device from being flush against the wall, affecting your kitchen's overall aesthetics.​

Top Tips:

  • Plan your plumbing in advance to avoid alignment issues.

  • When planning for a free standing washing machine or free standing dishwasher, ensure you've checked the connections and taps.

In Conclusion

Choosing freestanding appliances is a smart choice for many homeowners. By planning appropriately, you can achieve a kitchen that's both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Ready to redefine your kitchen experience? Dive into our wide range of premium yet affordable kitchen solutions at Better Kitchens.